1.MA Thesis writing guidelines
1. Instructions for passing Introduction to the Political System
2. Exam Instructions – Practical Skills
1. Exam instructions – Introduction to the Legal System of the EU
2. Exam instructions – Economics of EU Integration Rules and Sample Exam
3. Instructions for passing Introduction to the Political System
4a. MA Thesis Writing Guidelines
5. Instructions for online research of resources
6. Exam instructions for EU Competition Law and Policy
7. Exam Instructions for Labour and Social Law in the EU
8. Exam instructions EU Trade policy and the World
9. Exam instructions EU Consumer Law and Policy
10. Exam instructions Accession of Serbia to the EU
11. Exam instructions in European Human Rights Law
12. Examination rules EU Enviromental Policy and Law
13. Exam instructions Private International Law in the Context of the EU Legal Structure
14. Exam instructions for Anti-Discrimination Law of the EU
15. European Administrative Space
16. Geopolitical Perspectives and Consequences of EU Enlargement
17. EU Company Law
18. International Relations of the EU
19. Exam instructions – Economics of EU Integration Rules and Sample Exam
20. Exam instructions – EU Tax Law
21. Exam instructions – Immigration and Asylum Policy of the EU