We are informing candidates who applied for master academic studies, Master in European Integration, for 2024/2025 academic year, that the ENROLLMENT will be conducted on Thursday, October 10 and Friday, October 11 2024, according to the following schedule:
- October 10, from 11:00 to 16:00,
- October 11, from 11:00 to 14:00.
- index (student’s booklet) with the filled first page and photo with dimensions 35×45 mm (not from vending machine); the foil from index SHOULD NOT BE put on the photo;
- filled application form (form ŠV-20, https://publikacije.stat.gov.rs/G2024/Pdf/G202424051.pdf); in the upper right corner stick the photo with dimensions 35×45 mm (not from vending machine);
- self-financing students: the first copy of the receipt for the payment of the first installment of tuition fee on bank account number of the Faculty of Law 840-1439666-55, reference number: 540;
- citizens of the Republic of Serbia and the Republic of Srpska – 40.000,00 dinars;
- foreign students – 600 euros in RSD counter value, middle exchange rate of National Bank of Serbia on the day of payment.
Candidates who are re-enrolling (with recognized completed courses and passed exams) pay tuition fee proportional to the remaining ECTS (1 ECTS = 1,400.00 dinars for citizens of the Republic of Serbia and the Republic of Srpska, or 30 euros in RSD counter value, middle exchange rate of National Bank of Serbia on the day of payment, for foreign citizens – Practical Skills – 3 ECTS, Introduction to the Legal System of the EU – 5 ECTS, Introduction to the Political System of the EU – 5 ECTS, Introduction to the Economic System of the EU – 5 ECTS, optional courses (a total of three) at 8 ECTS each, master’s thesis – 18 ECTS).
The deadlines for the remaining three tuition fee installments are: the second installment – December 20, 2024; the third installment – February 20, 2025; and the fourth installment – April 20, 2025.
- The first copy of the receipt for the amount of 100,00 dinars for the Career Development Center of the University of Belgrade to the bank account number of the Faculty of Law 840-1439666-55, reference number: 540 (this amount is also paid by students financed from the budget of the Republic of Serbia);
- Two copies of the study contract (available at the Office for Master’s and Doctoral Studies).
The index and application form can be purchased at the Faculty bookstore (the bookstore is open until 15:00).
Enrollment of candidates from the Final Ranking List, for whom the process of recognition of foreign higher education documents is underway, will be conditional until the issuance of the decision by the University of Belgrade.
Candidates who have not completed their undergraduate studies at the Faculty of Law, University of Belgrade, and who, during the application for enrollment, submitted a certificate of graduation with a statement of passed exams because they have not yet received their diploma, are obligated to submit certified copies of the diploma and diploma supplement within one year.
After enrollment, all students, using the new index number (for master’s academic studies), must create an account for electronic student records and to fill the electronic ŠV-form. Otherwise, it will not be possible to register for exams.
Information on creating an account can be found on the Faculty’s website: http://info.ius.bg.ac.rs/newsonepost.aspx?id=510&grupaid=36&studijeid=1 (Student Info/Master’s Law Studies/General Information/E-student instructions).
Belgrade, October 7, 2024